Selecting Memorials: Shapes and Sizes
Memorials range in shapes and sizes from simple, flat markers (sometimes called grass markers) up through large monuments and mausoleums. There are several common shapes that come in a variety of sizes and colors.
Flat Markers

Flat Markers are designed so the top surface of the stone is installed flush with the grass. They are often used at the foot of a grave and today often mark cremation burials on family plots. They come in various sizes and can include simple artwork.
Bevel Markers

Beveled Markers sit above ground from 6"-12" and have a gently sloped face, making them easier to read.

Monuments stand vertical and are typically set on a granite base. A thicker upright monument called a monolith can be installed without a base. Inscriptions can be placed on both sides of a monument. There are many varied shapes such as hearts and crosses that can make a monument unique.
Slant Markers

Slanted Markers stand up, (12"-18")with a sloping front face which makes it easier to read They may be installed without a granite base.